Monday, October 19, 2009


This cave was not like other caves. The further you walked into it, the lighter it became. First a dark bluish grey which changed into oceanblue which turned into the purest brightest white she had ever seen believing this did not exist in nature. Rainbowy reflections danced on the walls and a soft clinging filled her ears. It became louder as the white light became brighter, all over the walls blue, green, yellow, purple spots now, dancing, hopping, swinging as she entered a hall. Walls of the finest marble, an unearthly crescendo of voices singing in the sweetest tones and this light. She wandered towards it, this cluster of glittering diamants that lit up the cave. Ignoring the rising cold that encircled her, crawled up her legs, froze the ends of her flaxen hair, took hold of her peachy cheeks. The soprano screaming in her ears as she drew nearer and reached up ...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is

what comes out when I have a song in my head and start doodling :)

ps: sorry, the next time the pics will be more focused, I promise.

Flying ...

flying away was my first thought. From this lousy weather, the rain, the cold. But then again it belongs to the year's season and I sure would not appreciate the upcoming warmth of spring with its flowers and lying outside in the grass if it wasn't for the winter beforehand. And what is better than sitting inside with hot tea watching the dark clouds run by, hearing the rain hammering against the windows after a nice walk in the cold with my fuzzy, blue hat and woolen socks in boots? :) Still, I sometimes envy the birds ...